Kriston -- Sorry to be late on this!

I agree that basic facts could be slowing him down, but he may just be going through a lower interest phase. Can I ask what he's working on? Mostly because I'm curious, but also to see what he's doing that shouldn't be taking so long. :-)

We're working on multiplication facts at home now, since we're starting to move into more complicated math (B just learned how to add with carrying, subtracting with borrowing is next), so here are my thoughts. is great for memorizing basic facts. The whole first two "math arcade" levels are based on addition and subtraction facts up to 20 or so -- he's on level 3 and I'm waiting for them to throw in some multiplication, actually! Anyway, B loves the games and, if he's taking an enforced break from his regular gaming, that's what he'll choose to do.

We also got him a little 3x5 notebooks and wrote his multiplication facts in it -- we did the same thing when it was obvious he was starting to read sight words at 3yo, but with fun words for him. Something about making it ourselves makes B much more interested! Plus, when they're in the notebook, flashcards are much harder to lose. :-)

(ETA: We only work on these when he's interested; as soon as his attention wanes, we put them away. If he thought we were pushing it, he's never do it. :-0 )

Sorry I don't have much to add except my own experience ... but I also wanted to say thank you for the Last Letter Game! Ds loves it and we play it often. I'm thinking about mixing it up and doing the Second Letter Game -- there are too many es and ys in the Last Letter game! :-)


Last edited by Mia; 02/21/08 07:56 AM. Reason: more info
