Yes, I think rewards for annoying chores have their place, so like you, I'm not opposed to something like that either, kimck. I just haven't felt like it would work with him yet. He's been very resistant. Maybe now that I'm so much more laid back, with a little time, he'll be ready for that sort of thing.

I think what I'll do is propose it as an option, dangling the carrot in front of him when I propose it. Then I'll let him decide when he wants to try it. I think we'll be more successful that way.

I also worry that as you and Grinity both suggest, maybe 6 is just too early for easily memorizing such things if they don't come naturally. I vividly recall memorizing the times tables in 3rd grade, and how much fun it was to race against my best time. DS doesn't seem to have any of that spirit yet. I wonder if it is a skill as much related to emotional development as to intellectual development.

Anyway, thanks! Very helpful!
