Repeat to yourself that you are not just a pushy parent who thinks that her child is bright. With IQ scores in that range, he is gifted. He does need more than the std classroom material.
Of course there are schools where a lot of the kids are hothoused and a lot of them perform above grade level. That does not make your child's 99th percentile scores irrelevant. It also does not make it likely that all of these "pushed" kids are performing at the 99th percentile.
You need to have a specific plan for what you are seeking and a back up plan that you are fully willing to implement if they say no. Like others have said, I'd be looking at the following:
1) Do you have other schooling options? Being willing to change schools or homeschool may elicit willingness to work with you on the school's behalf if they are motivated to keep him.
2) Ask for subject acceleration in language arts and inclusion in this pull-out group. Don't do it in a wishy-washy way. Put it in writing with supporting documentation (his test scores).
3) Request a meeting with the GT coordinator and bring someone with you (dad, advocate, etc.) Should you happen to live in Northern Colorado, pm me and I'll come help you be the advocate
