Originally Posted by TiredMommy
Then, I found out that the GT teacher pulls 10 kids out once a week for a special project, and my child wasn't chosen. (I did notice a few teachers kids when I saw them walking back from enrichment.)

In 1st grade, my kid is in a one-year above reading group and a one-year above math group. What gets me is that his reading group has lots of kids who learned to read in K.

BTW, the school barely looked at his IQ and Achievement testing (showing 4 grades ahead in reading and 2 grades ahead in math). They basically discounted it all and said, "all our students are ahead because in our district we push."

Sounds like the teachers are gaming the system to benefit themselves and their own and no one else. That's pretty bad.

It really comes down the what the school and state policies are. If they have objective standards and are not following them then they can be open to a lawsuit or and investigation by the state.

You can take the battle to the next level or look for a school that has objective standards. ( Your kiddo would be admitted to a number of programs in Texas based solely on test scores alone.)

In the meantime, maybe you can work with him and build up his self-worth since the school and the teachers have to work hard to squash his and yours to hide the scummy thing they are doing.