
Like everyone else I like to say welcome aboard! In my state there is virtually nothing mandated for GT. But what I have found is that if you can educate yourself "Past the educators" regarding the needs of gifted children, the state mandates, federal laws blah, blah, blah..... They will cave. Why? Because they start to realize that you know more than they do and they are likely to get more than they bargained for if they don't!

This really is a case of the "squeaky wheel". They will ignore you as long as they believe they can. Put everything in writing, everything! and find out what the chain of command is in your district. If you continue to get no response from the school, move up the chain of command. Be a nag, be pushy, whatever it takes to make them understand that you WILL NOT go away. Never lose your temper, but rather spout laws and mandates at them. They get nervous the second one person begins to consider the possibility of a law suit and suddenly doors open.

Because in the end, fear works!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!