When my daughter was born, I was so excited to have someone I could relate to and looked forward to sharing years of communing with a like mind.

When I got over myself and my own expectations, I got to go on one of the most amazing journeys of discovering who my daughter was and why she was so special just the way she is. Once I quit expecting her to be a certain way, I saw how limited my own expectations were.

I would recommend you talk with a family therapist about your own disappointments and expectations before you do damage not only to your relationship with your daughter but to her ability to accept herself.

She has been given a tremendous blessing coupled with challenges; if she does not have your unfailing belief in her, how will she maneuver through the myriad pitfalls that lie ahead without succumbing to the belief that she is a failure because she was born introverted? Introverts often focus better, individuate more rapidly, and can work independently and alone with ease. Introverts normally do not need outside reinforcement to continue high levels of performance. Introverts are often excellent observers. Read up about the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator to find out more about what is valuable about all of the different parts of a personality.

It is short sighted to believe that only extroverts excel in this world; there is a need for all personality types, and what your daughter needs most to succeed as an adult is a strong, supportive foundation at home. Give her that and let go of your own disappointments, and she'll have the best advantage any child could want.