Originally Posted by Kerry
10Apples - (I love that book by the way) Welcome!

When DD7 was 1 she was speaking full sentences with multi-syllable words and perfect pronounciation and amazing everyone (us included wink ) However, since she is our first, we didn't know how unusual this was. She has never stopped talking since! She too would sit for hours and loved to be read to and had an amazing attention span. We did not have her tested until we needed accomodations at school. She went to preschool to have playtime and give DH a day free from being a stay at home dad

DD2.5 is another story. She talks as much as her sister, however her pronounciation is nowhere near as good. Her attention span is also not nearly as long, but, when she has something to say, she blows everyone away too and talks to everyone who will listen. She is a mover and a shaker - she is on the go from the time she gets up in the morning to the time we throw her in bed at night, and is already wanting to give up her naps.

As far as teaching her specific stuff - follow her lead. If she asks about the words, help her sound them out, otherwise don't stress about it and continue having a great time with her - these are fun and exciting years.

You described my two as well. DS6 was like your oldest. And DD4 is STILL like your youngest. smile