Thanks for the advice, amylou. I have been reading a bit on hyperlexia and it seems like the main diagnostic is that the kids can read the words but do not understand what they're reading. WMy son is not reading yet, but I would think that the same info. would apply to the numbers and his understanding of those. I know that he understands the concept of the one to one correlation and gets that the larger the number, the more of something there is. I'm thinking that hyperlexia may not be something I need to worry about, but at least I know a bit more about it for the future. I have mentioned my son to my doctor and she ran through the autism checklist with me. I am 99% certain that autism is not a label that fits my son, but other than that, he hasn't seen a doctor since birth. So maybe a healthy baby visit is on order. I just kinda feel that a 10 min. visit to the doctor is not really gonna tell me anything. My son is a little shy and 10 min. is not gonna be enough to get him to warm up enough to be himself. I don't think the doctor will be getting an accurate representation of what his personality is really like. That's really why I haven't taken him before, although the doctor did suggest it when I spoke to her before about my son.

I am anxious to see how the reading will go once he starts. He can now recognize a few words, but I wouldn't say that he is reading by any means. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!