Hi 10 apples,
Your comment that you feel guilty about maybe getting pregnant again struck a chord with me. I think we ended up delaying getting pregnant again partly because of the energy my DS required of us and partly because we thought we'd fail him if we didn't keep putting in the same amount of energy. At the time I wondered how many gifted children end up being only children. In the end we decided it would be really good for him to have a sibling.

When I did fall pregnant we thought we'll manage, others do, only to be completely thrown when we found out we were expecting twins. Our panic and guilt immediately doubled. The reality has been great though. DS loves his sisters and was so mature about it from day 1 when he had just turned 3. The only slightly -ve comment we had from him was around the 4 month mark when he suggested that in future I might want to only have one baby at a time!

We still feel a bit guilty about the reduction in the time spent with him but my girls are hitting milestones around the same time he did with much less input from us so I worry less that I now share my time between 3 not 1.

As for book obsessions we too had them for DS and now the twins who are 18 months. We picked out 20 books at the library on Sunday and earlier this week I read the same book at least 30 times to one girl. This morning at 6am I had both twins on my lap and we worked our way through the pile of books. Yesterday I found my other little girl with DS on his bed while he read a book to her. He's doing this regularly now and it makes my heart swell with joy.

If your DD likes Starfall I recommend readingeggs.com.au which is similar but more graphically engaging. DS loved it. It's not free but if you mail me I have a 5 week free access code so you can trial it (the site itself provides 2 weeks free trial).