Welcome. smile

Originally Posted by 10applesupontop
-Does she sound gifted?

She could be. But she's still so young that I think it's really too early to draw any conclusions.

Originally Posted by 10applesupontop
-What did your kids act like when they were almost 2/2?

Like a crazy little monkey. Things haven't changed. wink

Originally Posted by 10applesupontop
-Do I need to get her evaluated. I can't see any reason to, but I am worried she might miss out on things without the proper ID.

No. What do you think she needs at this point that she isn't already getting?

Originally Posted by 10applesupontop
-Is IQ hereditary?

At least partially.

Originally Posted by 10applesupontop
-Her language is what really sets her apart. At 22 months, she talks nonstop in complete and complex sentences. I have counted over 20 words. Let's see, today she said, "I want to go to Jason's deli because I know I am going to get a lollipop after I eat my vegetables there." She also can say 4 and 5 syllable words near perfect. My question is" She is obviously ahead in the verbal area. Does that ever even out?

Well, kids do develop at different rates. So, sure, it is possible that an early talker might not end up being verbally gifted. But your DD's language skills seem more than just a bit advanced.

Originally Posted by 10applesupontop
-I am a stay at home mom and devoted to her. We go to museums as she demands. We go to the playground. She loves playing in the backyard. But, that is it. No school. Do I need to get her signed up?

No. What is she going to get out of school at this age, really?

Originally Posted by 10applesupontop
-Should I be teaching her how to read? She knows letters but I have not told her what sounds they make. (I wish I had way back when when she asked the names. I should have just told her the sounds, right?)

No. Just because she is very verbal, that does not mean that she is ready to learn to read. Even if she is ready to learn to read, that does not mean that she needs you to teach her. If she likes listening to you read, I suggest you keep doing that. smile