Welcome to the boards 10Apples! smile
I agree with a lot of what the pps said!
Here are some of my thoughts/comparisions for you.

Your LO sounds very similar to mine, and I've not had him tested yet, but I'm thinking he's most likely some level of gifted.
Very verbal, first word at 6 mos, walked well/ran by 10 mos. Very alert at birth. COmplex sentences 10-12 words by 22 mos, and advanced cooperative and imaginary play skills.

He's now about to turn 3 yo.
I just enrolled him in preschool because he is SO ready! He is very active and fast paced. Loves to be read to, but loves physical movement and a changing environment- he just needs more than what I can provide for him at home during the day. That is what lead me to preschool, he's too social and curious, and just ready for the next step. I'm sure that when your LO is ready, you'll know.

What was he like at 2 yo? Highly inventive, curious, nonstop talker, still wanting mama- but with one foot in babyhood and one foot in preschooler skills (I'll do it myself! But frustrated when his fine motor skills failed his best laid plans LOL). He was/is not tantrumy, I was able to tap into his reasoning skills and calmly get down on his level and explain why, answer questions and redirect in most cases of an impending emotional storm. He's only had 2 major meltdowns in a year.

Right now he's working on reading skills- I'm not instructing at all. I read to him daily, he names all the letters and knows what sounds they make- he tries to write and uses magnet letters on the fridge to "spell". He has been sight reading many words for over a year. I'm letting him crack that code on his own, and if he ever asks for help/info I supply it. I know I was a fluent reader as a 3 yo, and I remember just KNOWING how to read. I never had to sound things out, even unusual spellings, etc. It really was like cracking a code and BOOM I could read. So, I'm letting him go at his own pace and explore/enjoy words and language. (I'm a Speech Pathologist, so maybe his verbal skills are in the genes??)

welcome and I agree, your LO sounds delightful!