Originally Posted by newmom21C

You know, I've been meaning to check this out, but this seals the deal! DD also has been having night terrors for awhile now, mostly it coincides with teething but sometime it just happens.

Yep- that website and books have been extremely helpful for me. The book stresses personality types as being important- respecting, and accepting your child's temperament. Basically it helped me to celebrate my son's spirited and superbusy traits! It is really about teaching independent sleep and good sleep habits.

For info on night terrors, I read the sleep disorder section of "Solve your child's sleep problem" by Dr. Ferber. I preferred Tracey Hogg's gentler sleep training methods, but he had the most info on night terrors, sleep walking, etc...

FWIW, my son has outgrown the night terrors- they dissappeared after he was able to run steadily and turn on a dime at 10 mos old. Night terrors are awful- they are asleep and you are up on pins and needles. They wake refreshed and you are surviving on coffee...ugh.

LOL about the playground- I know what you mean!