Originally Posted by Speechie
My son was a terrible sleeper and had night terrors/sleep walking at 8 mos, finally slept through the night at 14 mos, and Tracy Hogg's methods are really what helped my survive it all!
Also, check out this website for more info and help with sleep issues. www.babywhispererforums.com

You know, I've been meaning to check this out, but this seals the deal! DD also has been having night terrors for awhile now, mostly it coincides with teething but sometime it just happens.

I do have to say, one trick that has works so well is that we make sure to get her to the playground at least once per day for an hour. She just has so much energy that she needs to get out! She's climbing over everything at this point and loves to climb up to the slide and go down. Plus, she loves to spy on the older kids. smile However, if we miss a day, watch out!!