Some of this sounds like how my son was at that age.

He never, ever, ever slept and the slightest thing would wake him up and we'd have to begin the process again. I attribute that to his brain being unable to stop and struggling to keep his body awake.

He was (and still is) distracted very easily. He did love to eat though so I had no problem getting him to focus on his food smile

He cried about everything. Change was the worst for him. If we did something we normally didn't do he'd throw a fit. If I got water on his face while washing his hair he'd scream. If there were too many people in a room he'd scream. I was never able to have a peaceful birthday party for him because the people would make him cry and then when it was time to sing happy birthday it'd get really bad!

My son seemed to grow out of a lot of these things though so I don't know. What has your doctor said about it?