Hi there-
I just saw this post- My son has psychomotor OE and is sooo busy, was a fussy baby till he could walk, didn't sleep well, etc etc. I'm so glad that your MD seems to be on the same wavelength.
I have to comment on this post by Grinity:
As for sleeping, DS13 was a non-sleeper,and again, I heard that gifted kids don't need to sleep. Looking back, I think that DS DID need to sleep, but was terrible at winding down. Now that he is big, I give him Melatonin, which triggers him to wind down, but never saw that type of behavior before that. Later I read

Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby by Tracy Hogg

And wondered if this would have helped at all. Let me know!

I highly recommend The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg as a good alternative to cry it out (CIO).
My son was a terrible sleeper and had night terrors/sleep walking at 8 mos, finally slept through the night at 14 mos, and Tracy Hogg's methods are really what helped my survive it all!
Also, check out this website for more info and help with sleep issues. www.babywhispererforums.com

I promise, it DOES get better!

FWIW I still have some denial of my son's ability and I was seeing signs as early as you describe- you're not alone, and it really does feel good when someone validates what you see happening with your child's development.
Hang in there!

Last edited by Speechie; 11/04/09 02:22 PM.