We finally had our pediatrician's appointment yesterday and were able to talk to her about everything that's going on. For the most part she thought that a lot of DD's symptoms had to do with her being so advanced and getting frustrated because she can't express herself better. She thinks when DD starts talking more consistently that things will improve (she knows quite a few words but doesn't say too much yet, mostly she points or uses sign language. However, she does follow commands fairly well). Also, DD is very, very independent and wants things her way (for instance, she never let us feed her but if we put something on a spoon she'll feed herself). She said that some of that is also probably from frustration of not being able to control her environment.

However, she did that that her sensitivity to fabric wasn't usual and she gave me the number to early intervention to have her evaluated. I'm kind of going back and forth if I should make the call. DD's so far ahead when it comes to milestones and that seems to be more of the purpose of early intervention. On the other hand, if it could help her deal with her environment better I'm all for it! But then again, what the doctor said does seem to make a lot of sense, so I don't know! Sigh...

The nice thing, though, is that our pediatrician really sees what we're seeing with DD. She was even asking if DH and I were early readers and said that while she can't say anything for sure 100%, she'd bet that she will be gifted and that she has very atypical development. I guess, it's just nice to know I'm not crazy for thinking this. I think, I keep trying to go through denial...

Also, DD could be getting overstimulated but that it'd probably be impossible to change that considering how hungry DD seems to learn new things.