Thank you everybody so much for the replies! We�re planning on talking to DD�s doc next month for her well-baby visit so I�m going to bring a list of all the possible SPD things that she is doing. I have some videos too, like one of her reacting badly to the texture of a skirt I had put on her, do you think I should bring that too?

Also, for those of you that have done OT, how did you start it? Did your pediatrician recommend it? Was it covered by your insurance? How long did your children do it for?

LOL, She may be hitting those milestones later than she would if she wasn't putting so much energy into dealing with the world, you never know!

You know, after you said that it made me wonder. DD has been ready to walk "any day now" for what seems like forwever. She�ll take a few steps here and there but something seems to be holding her back. Who knows?

Oh, and we used to do baby signing but then got lazy with it. We really should�ve kept up with it because she was learning quite a few signs! I�ll have to try and get back to it...