I'm coming late here, but I definitely sympathize as another homeschooler of intense GT kids!

One thing that I like to tell people about how we homeschool, is that my bare minimum requirements are read, write, (language arts), math everyday. Science and history at least once a week. On different days that can be different things. Requirements can be fulfilled by a field trip or internet research some days. Some days we're cranking along and end up doing a couple hours math. Most days it's probably closer to 30 minutes. Some days we diverge completely from our chosen curriculum.

We go to a co-op on Wednesday which really breaks up the week. I felt like my DS (9 today!) barely did anything as a 2nd grader last year homeschooling. At the end of the year we did achievement testing that showed a very different story.

Relax! :-) It's not a race. Lots of elementary schools are just starting to get into new material this time of year!