Thanks guys! I am having a really hard time with just playing. I feel like if ds is not in regular school he should be learning at home. Not incidental learning; meaurable progressive learning. If ds ends up going back to school I want to know for sure that he is prepared.
I did ask ds what's going on and he says he is tired every day even on nights when he seems to get enough sleep. The behaviors I'm seeing (about a week) are consistent with how he acts when tired. Maybe there's something to that. We have a good bedtime routine and he falls asleep quickly. He does wake up in the night a lot and he says he has a hard time falling back asleep. Are there any supplements that might help? Maybe he's not getting enough physical activity now that we are homeschooling? He's never been a great sleeper but this is unusual even for him.
I hope I didn't sound horrible in my original post. I love ds so much and I'm just so worried about him. It's hard to make and keep friends with this behavior, not to mention how difficult it is to learn. He is a very bright boy so I'm sure he will be fine in the long run. In the short run, how do we make this work?
I will try to relax. I'm sure that will help. Maybe the pressure I feel is rubbing off on him. We will me leaving town on Thursday so I just tlod ds we are having a fall beak. I need a chance to regroup and plan for some alternative activities for the days when we need to shift gears. I'm also probably underestimating how much he's learning now vs. when he as in school.
Thank you for your input, support, and advice. Du says I should just chalk it up to a bad week and focus on the parenting book we both like. It's called Parenting with Love and Logic.