My DS, who sounds just like the kid in your class, has always been very happy. But he will report to me about very specific issues that he has having. In third grade, he started to get really bored with math. I encouraged him to speak with the teacher and she got him working on 4th grade math. That paved the way for him accelerating faster and now he is in HS math as a 7th grader. In 5th grade he got really fed up with a boring required English curriculum that took a couple hours a day. It was a biggish deal to get him out of that one, but with the support of the teacher, we were able to do it. He has always been really good about asking for what he needs and because he is generally so happy and able to ask for things clearly and pleasantly and becuase we have been very lucky in the teachers we have had, the teachers have always taken his requests very seriously.