Thanks for all your great suggestions! As it turns out, our GT coordinator at our school gave him the Woodcock Johnson for reading, he was at mid-6th for 2 of the three scores and 4.8 for comprehension. The math test was a different achievement test which she prefers. It put him at 9.8 and 9.9 on general math concepts and applied math and 6.8 for operations b/c of the timing factor (he was given 15 seconds to answer each timed problem). Looking at the test was unreal. All scores were 99.9%. On some sections he got every question right. So, we met with parents today and they did not seem terribly surprised by the results although I tried to emphasize how unusual this is. At first, they talked about what a good preschool teacher he had had and how she had taught him fractions. I told them that, yes, a good preschool teacher could foster his love for numbers but that no preschool teacher could "teach" a ND child to add/subtract fractions with unequal denominators in his head!! (which he can do)

Anyway, our principal has offered to provide some tutoring until the end of the year but we will meet with the GT coordinator for the district to help plan for next year and the future. I told the parents that we wanted to be available to them because I'm sure they will have questions as they begin to digest all this information. I did not yet give them info about DYS because I had given them one article off of Hoagies about different types of testing he was given and they told me it had been "a little overwhelming."

I figured I will wait a while for them to adjust to what we have already shared before I throw more information at them!

I will look into the math websites. That is a great idea! Thanks for all the advice!