Hi all! In addition to being a parent, I am also a teacher (first grade). I have an interesting situation this year w/a VERY gifted student and wondered what advice you'd give to parents.

This child (6 w/a late summer bday) stood out from the beginning of the year as being very advanced. He is several grade levels above in reading but REALLY stood out in math, where it was quite hard to pinpoint where he actually was b/c our 1st grade testing doesn't go that high. I encouraged parents to have him tested for our gifted program (they use the CoGat), but they hesitated b/c they weren't sure how it would change things for him in the school. I offered to look at moving him up a grade for math but, again, they weren't interested b/c they felt like he would feel awkward. He is a VERY easygoing child who gets along well with all kids and never, ever complains. He tells his parents that he loves school and is happy. I have been on a mission to do something for him, though, b/c it is obvious to me that he is exceptional. So, at PT conferences I really, really encouraged the parents to have him tested for our gifted program. I think they may think I'm pushy but they said yes.

Our GT coordinator did test him and found out that not only was he 99% in math on the CoGat but his math achievement data show him working at a 9th grade level in math!

What advice would you all, who have been down this road, give to parents? We just got the results back. I have already told them (b/c I know how lacking groups ability tests can be) that I would recommend that they have him privately tested (they can afford it). Besides giving them info about DYS, is there anything else I could suggest to them? I think that they know he is smart, but I don't know that they realize yet how much they will have to advocate for him in his school career. Thanks!