A couple of other questions. CAMom, I LOVE the computer idea! We have 3 great computers in our classroom and don't use them as much as we should. What websites do you all recommend? We have a couple of math websites but they are geared toward primary and too easy for him. Thanks also for the book suggestions!

And, yes, both parents volunteer during math time. Again, they DO realize that he is smart. I'm sure that's why they chose to volunteer during math. And they do work with the "highest" kids in class, so they know but maybe just haven't totally faced it. I think their denial is related to just HOW advanced he is and how much they are going to have to advocate for him. Perhaps because this is their first experience with the public school system.

They made a point of giving me his report card from K prior to the beginning of the year and his K teacher (from private school) made it quite clear that he was an advanced child. We do early assessment so we test all our kids (in reading) prior to the first day of school. I approached his mom before school began to let her know that I was aware he was advanced and would work to meet his needs. But, when a child is as "out there" as he is, it is tough, especially in math. In reading, I stopped at 3rd grade b/c his ability to synthesize information and reflect on text (for example, state the most important event or summarize concisely) was advanced but not at the level a teacher would expect of a fourth grader. He was perfectly happy all fall to read transitional chapter books. He is in a reading group by himself because no one else in my class is at his level. Now that there is one child approaching end of third grade level, he has moved on and is no longer interested in transitional fiction. So he now chooses to read more challenging novels. He is on his own but seems happy. When I told his mom in the fall about his reading score, she laughed and said, "we're not so worried about reading, just wait until you test him in math!" So they do know.

Again, as CAMom said, I think what has really fueled their resistance to testing this year is the fact that he is so happy. At the beginning of the year, I asked them quite frequently if he were happy. Eventually, his mom said, "Well, we have been asking him every day if he's happy at school and he finally told us, very annoyed, 'Why do you keep asking me that? School is FUN!" Enough said. So, they stopped asking. I guess I want to set things up for the rest of elementary, though, because I really think that the older the child gets, the less flexibility there is and the more the teaching becomes all about the content. That's when I think he's going to look around and say, "Oh my gosh, school stinks!" Or at least that's my fear.

Those of you who have kids who are older, did you see your child become more disillusioned with school as he/she got older? I'm terrifed b/c I have a son who I believe is on the lower side of HG but he already hates school. If he hates school at preK I think we're in BIG trouble!