Originally Posted by oneisenough
I guess sometimes I just wonder why a two year old can't memorize facts when they are shown/told.
It's really very simple...they look totally different and it is as simple as learning "cat" or "dog" isn't it? I guess I just don't understand why all kids can't learn things like that. Is it just that they aren't shown?

I used to wonder that, too. If a child can learn "belly," why can't he learn "uterus?"

But I suspect some of it has to do with the interest level as well as the memory. Most 2yos just don't care about the phases of the moon, even if shown them. You know? And they're unlikely to remember them even if you show them because it's just not part of their (relatively small) world view. If it's not in their immediate vicinity and relevant to their lives RIGHT NOW, it's not something they need. So it doesn't stick.

My personal experience with very young GT kids tells me that they tend to just be more open to seeing more of the world and making sense of it. They think bigger. I think ND kids just don't have the cognitive ability to make sense of those patterns of meaning yet because their world views are more limited. They just don't have anywhere to "hang" their experiences from yet, so they just sort of wash over them.

That's utterly unscientific, but it's how I think about it. It makes sense to me.
