Oh I wish you lived right around the corner than we could get our two DD together for play dates, but unless you live in the Austin, Texas area I doubt that would work out. Here's to wishing. But it is funny that your ballet is doing the same show. Maybe for the most part there is a formula they follow of what performances attract the most attendance and that you get more people in the seats if you do something the whole family will enjoy.

I do have to say that we had a little recital right before Christmas for the class to perform for the parents. I guess they know that at age 2 there is no guarantee they will follow through. Though my DD was not the one that completely withdrew and finally went crying to her parents (her mom says she has major anxieties and that is why they put her in the class. She is actually the oldest in the group in the best by far) My DD was the deer caught in headlights. She just stood there staring at all the parents making idiots out of ourselves trying to get them to do the routine. My DH said she was being entertained by us. She is our shy kid that for ever would talk your ear off at home but out in public clam up. She has gotten better but definitely not a ham.