My son used to read all of the signs, everywhere we went. Inevitably the questions would come from anyone who heard him. "How old is he"? always came first. I guess people wanted to know if he was a dwarf or something. I've tried several different tactics with dealing with peoples interest, surprise etc. but the response is generally the same. You must be tying them down and stuffing their head while no one is looking....Shame on you. My son is 6 now and gets a kick out of these situations. He'll see me struggling with my latest tactic amd start adressing me about Pascal's triangle or some other fact he pulls out. This is generally when these adults make their exits, presumably out of fear that this small person will ask them next.

I know a few people that just take the smile and nod approach and I've tried that a few times as well. We shouldn't be embarrassed to talk about how amazing these kids are, but ND adults somehow think you are attacking their children with unfair comparisons. Even if their children aren't with them!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!