Gratified - you're right, I know. Not all babies develop evenly and certainly not all GT children show their GTness immediately.

Another thing from today's 2 year check up... our regular, amazing, stupendous, insightful and otherwise incredible pediatrician was not available. His sub asked, "Does she have a lot of tantrums?" I said no, not many. She said, "Oh so she's an easy child," I said no, not easy (blank stare from the ped) "she's got incredible energy," I explained. This seemed an unfathomable complaint to the ped.

Thank goodness my regular ped commented a month ago, "Your DD is going to wear you out" after he saw her recent milestone advances. I really appreciate his being understanding of our [happy] challenges.

Last edited by seablue; 02/04/09 11:35 PM. Reason: forgot something