At our house, we talk about the 'association doesn't equal causation' trap.
or - as DS12 puts it - 'Carrots kill people, i know because almost every dead person has eaten at least one carrot!'
This affected us personally with a very unhappy boy who got a gradeskip in our elementary school about a decade before we got there. This Kindergardener was reading at late high school level, so they decided a single gradeskip was the best thing. Are you suprised that this kid had trouble fitting it with his target class? I'm not! But I was suprised that our well meaning school principle felt like a failure and took it personally. I tried to help her see that the association between gradeskip and social isolation never implied a causation. In this case, the cause of both the grade skip and the social isolation was probably a third factor (his PG brain.) So sad that this common logic trap forms so many of our perceptions!
Do a lot of antisocial people homeschool? I'll bet they do! Do the children grow up antisocial? I'll bet they do! Would they have grown up antisocial if they had attended a school? I'll bet they would.
Do I think Lorel and Kriston are homeschool because they are antisocial? No I don't! I think they are trying to met their children's needs. While I think that most homeschoolers are do have a healthy skeptasism toward athority, (one would almost have to to be strong enough to homeschool) I think that's a good thing, especially for parents of kids with unusual needs. LOL - If we parents of Gifties didn't start out skeptical, watching our children suffer while we get blamed by schools would sure encourge that growth of our inner skeptics!
Love and More Love,