Having options is what it's all about, Katelyn's Mom!

I'd love it if every HG kid had a flexible public school that kept the HG and PG together for large chunck of the day and was committed to noticing and accomidating the individual needs of this very diverse group! It should be free and within a short commute.

Do we have enough HG and PG kids to make this work? - Unknown.

Do we have the political will as a country to fund this? So far, no, but it is a worthy goal.

Do we have the expertise to actually be able to notice and accomidate the needs of every HG and PG kid? - I don't think we have it on a wide scale yet.

So for now, we are all in the position of piecing together a workable combination of situations.

I could easily imagine things getting dramatically better over the next 5 years. I sure hope it does!


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