4-) Katelyn'sM om: I love your post. My DH has the same feelings on socialization as you. He always points to adults he knows that were HSed and says "see, xyz is a shy hermit with absolutely zero social skills. Have you ever even heard them speak? Do you want our kid to turn out like that?" as ammo for his socialization issue. He also uses The Dugger's (have you heard of the family with 16+ kids from arkansas?) as ammo that "all HSers are raised by religious nutcases". Oh, if I had a dime for every time I heard these...

You can bet that it is not uncommon for your DH and my argument. And if I were to talk to him myself I probably would be able to speak his language (so to speak) b/c for me it has always been the socialization argument but what I was trying to say is I am not so judgmental as before. Don't get me wrong. I still have issues with it but am now including it in my vocabulary as an option. Here is the sad thing as I read your background on your husband. He should be fighting tooth and nail to ensure that his DD does not go down the same path that he did and (I know this is wrong of me and I have no right to say this since I don't know your MIL) your MIL had her chance to raise her child and she blew it so now she needs to back off and let you (the parents) do what you think is best for your child.

Here is a discussion I had with a friend of mine at lunch today. Yes I was talking about this post and how I am really changing my mind about homeschooling or at least not going to the typical 'socialization' argument for why I disapprove. And my friend has also been antihomeschooling. I brought up my point of GT kids and socialization issues as posted earlier. But we also talked about the very important component of why you would choose to homeschool. Is it the best option or is there some religious component such as (yes we said it) the Duggars. Yep I am very aware of the Duggar family. So I get where your husband is coming from but here is a little secret I will share with you that I myself am just starting to realize. I think part of my fear of homeschool is a perception problem. How will the rest of my neighbors, friends, and family perceive it and what criticism will I endure. I know it is a little shallow but I have to wonder if that is a big part of your DH hangup on it. Than the other issue I have is how do I tackle this so that I am giving my child the absolutely best education and isn't it narcissistic of me to think I have all the answers in that department? I really think the last comment is my biggest obstacle to it all. (and please don't take this as a stab to all of you that homeschool b/c I certainly don't mean it that way. I am just saying that everyone has strengths and I don't know if I would be structured enough to organize my child's education in a way that would be the best for her.)

All of this said I just want to say that it does sound like you have enough of a reason to pull your child and home school and I really hope that your DH comes around. And I guess through all of this post what I am really trying to state is I am very much like your DH in my views but you have won me over on why you see it as a necessity to homeschool your DD.