I didn't mean to misrepresent you there, Grinity. I think I was going along with the thought, rather than basing my comments on what you actually said. I should have said so. Sorry!
True confessions: some of my response is because I REALLY worried about whether we were teaching him to quit when we were considering whether to pull DS7 out of 1st grade or not. It was one of the things my "friend" who was critical of our decision raised (in a very snotty tone! And that's the "friend" who saw nothing wrong with a kid being bored for 3 years...), and I felt pretty insecure about it. It has been discussed here several times, too. It seems to be a pretty common criticism launched at homeschoolers who start their kids in school, right after "What about socialization!?!" So I admit that I'm probably a bit touchy on the subject!

I'll add that in the end, I decided I was worrying about nothing. I think that as long as you don't pull your child out every time he's not 100% happy with every little thing about an activity, you're fine. I suspect I make him stick it out with things he dislikes a lot longer than teachers would, frankly.
Anyway, I wasn't trying to pick on you there in any way, Grinity. My apologies!