Thanks for your open mind, Katelyn'sMom. I would never try to talk anyone into choosing it for their kids, but I do think it is a valid option that people who are NOT nuts sometimes choose, and I wish more people thought so. I am always happy to see myths fall by the wayside! smile

My thought about the socialization argument: I'll bet I could name off a long list of kids I know at public school with "issues" in the social area: "backwards" kids, kids with anxiety issues that make them hard to talk to, bullies, troublemakers, etc. The difference is that we choose not to blame public school for their problems, as people often choose to blame homeschool.

Anecdotally, FWIW, 99% of the homeschooled kids that I see are fun, pleasant, highly social, very "normal" kids. If they are unusual, it's because they tend to be less judgemental of others and more poised around adults than the average kid. They are fun to be around!

Are there some with "issues"? Yup. There's one in particular who can't keep his hands to himself who gives my DH fits at Cub Scouts! crazy And it's a parenting problem, for sure. But I see no more kids with social problems than I saw when DS7 was in public school. Probably a lot fewer!

Why is it that we think that parents cannot do a good job of teaching kids how to behave in society after they reach age 5? I did fine up to that point. Why would I suddenly be incapable of it now? I know my kids need time with other kids. So does every other parent! They get it. It may not look like school, but school isn't exactly a natural know?

Just my musings...
