Like you, I have a son that was obviously way above the "norm". I tried to have him early admitted to K and was refused. I homeschooled him for about a year. When it came time for him to enter K, I decided it was pointless based on the work he was doing at home. He still had not been tested, but with him it didn't take a number to know he wasn't regular.

About 5 months into the school year I was approached by the diagnostician at the school while I was there on business with another child (I'm a foster parent) She asked me about my son having heard about him from one of my other children. I explained that I had to homeschool as there didn't seem to be a program available for him. She asked me if I would consider enrolling him if they could design one. I agreed to look at what they put together.

Three months later, he is happily ensconced in a public school that has bent over backwards to meet his needs. They did require that he be tested and he is PG. He goes to 5 different classes over the course of the day ranging from K-5. All of this from a school that absolutely refused to consider early admittance to K.

I guess my point is, don't take anything as set in stone. My state has very limited gifted resources, but it only takes one person to be willing to give your child what she needs. I wouldn't worry about having her tested until you really need to. After all, you already know, don't you. You wouldn't be on this forum otherwise and a number isn't going to change that.

Good Luck!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!