Thanks everyone, here is why we are considering testing:

So far we have talked to three school districts, the only three near us.

The big question is what to do for school. Start her early, K next fall at 4-5. Which the schools around here will not allow because she is too far past the cut off. Plus she is extremely high energy so I don't think it would be a good idea.

Our home school is not at all open to grade skips, they have no GT programs and a very low expectation curriculum. No enrichments. And a very conformist style.

The second school was a private religious school very small. She started preschool with them at 2. We had concerns because they would make comments to us like, she counted to three when she was counting to 30 at home. Or she needs to work on name recognition and writing her name when she was reading and writing site words at home. When I brought this up at conferences. They said the special ed lady would observe her. Then the next year they put her in a younger class, which is her real age class, so she could have time to gain more maturity.

The third school we have been leaning towards has a prek program that they strongly suggest the kids do before K. The administrator said the K classes were more challenging, so it was a good idea to take pre K. This school said that they try to group by ability with in the age grade of K. So they do not start them early. My husband observed the preK last year and said she was already doing that stuff at home at 3. She just started a preschool class with this district recently. I have to decide by February if I will put her in the preK next fall. And K the following year. This school seems like the best option of the three. So I really do not want to burn any bridges.

She has been in preschool for a couple weeks at this new place. Again they do not seem to know where she is at. She also has been saying that she will not read or do math at school, any schools because they do not do that stuff there and four year olds do not do stuff like that. She is also starting to ask us why her friends don't do the stuff she is doing.

I do not know how to approach the school about my concerns with out putting my DD on the spot. I also have no evidence to back me up. I feel like this school is our best option and I don't want to mess it up.

Also thanks to the posts I talked to our moms and I found out from our parents that both me and my husband were tested as children pretty young and were in the GT range. Also a brother on his side and my brother, uncle and grandfather.
My parents did not know what average IQ was and still do not believe me.

My mom said that she was just told to read to me a lot and take me to museums. My parents turned down a grade skip for fear of social issues when I was 7. I had a very hard time in school.

These are just some of the reasons buzzing around my head that make me think I should have her tested.