Thanks the hoagies pages was really helpful. The first school has been surprisingly helpful lately. I found out they have a GT teacher who takes the kids to do one on one stuff as needed. The K at this school is also reading and doing more math (add. and sub.) than our in district school. They start screening for possible GT in K. The problem is it is hard to convince these schools of what she is doing at home. Even advanced programs seem not very challenging. No one wants to start her early because she literally can not sit still. Today she started doing fractions, got it as soon as I showed her and got every one right, but bounced talked and was spinning in the chair while she did it. At the end of the program we were using, for 1st graders. she said that was easy and ran off to play. I am going to read Ruf's book over the holiday.

Last edited by skyward; 12/15/08 03:29 PM.