I have to be honest, that I have heard stories of kids who did not cooperate. But I think that they are quite rare, particularly if you find a tester who is very familiar with gifted and the levels of gifted. The tests are designed to be fun, and many of the testers are 'good with kids.'

Since she likes her current preschool, and it's only 2 hours a few times a week, and 'talking to her' about reading worked, there doesn't seem to be a rush to test her. I would rush, however to locate the tester you would want to use, and find out how long the waiting list is.

Is your daughter old or young for her grade? What % of the kids at the school are kept back so that will be 'old for grade'? (I would ask this at each school and really expect an answer.)

Would she be going to Kindy next year or the year after? Is the kindy program half day and playbased or full day and 'learning, but not at her readiness level' based? Is partial homeschooling allowed in your state?

Early K seems very helpful in the long run if you are dealing with a system that is rigid, or a kid who is chomping at the bit. Keeping her home as much and as long as possible is very appealing in my book.

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com