
I completely get your concerns and have the same ones and my DD is only 2 so IMHO I think you are valid to want to test especially if you are planning to send her to a public school. I have heard horror stories about waiting for the school to do the right thing and the uphill battle you will have on your hands. My plan is to test my DD when she is 4 so we have some documented evidence for when we get to the school. Of course the concern is Is 4 too soon? It depends on the child and only you would know that answer. I will watch my DD and see if she is publically willing to share information which she is starting too. Forever she would be tight lipped when out in public, but now she is talking where ever we go. She is still shy when people come up to her and sometimes she answers questions sometimes she doesn't. Things like this could effect the outcome of the test.

As for testing and how to go about it, has information about testers in different states and I am sure others could post the exact location for you.

And for your question about her being gifted: I think you know she is but you are living with her and sometimes it is just hard to step back and observe her in a neutral way. We all go through that. Some days I wonder if I am imagining things to be more than what they are.

I am sure a lot of people could give an argument for not testing, but if yours relates to preparation for school I think it is a solid reason to go for it. You might even find recommendation for starting her next year instead of waiting an additional year.