Also keep in mind there could be challenges in the classes that appear to be going just fine, it's just that the teachers in those particular classes are giving him more leeway, or they are telling you he is fine because they don't want you to worry, or make a "fuss", etc. I think that I told you before that we actually saw DD's grades inflate after we started the IEP/complaint process. DD was getting better grades for work that was worse than her peers. DD wasn't really expected to DO the assignments. If she had to write a "story" and she put a lot of effort into writing 3 sentences, they gave her an A or B, whereas her classmates would get a C and be told to re-write their story. They graded DD for effort and not actual performance compared to peers. See what I mean? And most teachers don't want to say negative things to parents about how a child with a disability is doing. On the other hand it could be that the classes are more structured/organized, they play to his strengths rather than weaknesses, the teachers are actually following the 504, and he really is functioning just fine (in which case those teachers might say that they don't believe any special services or an IEP is necessary, just to warn you--after all he does just fine in their classes with the 504).