Originally Posted by BSM
We've been lucky so far. Our lawyer is a non-confrontational problem solver (all good ones are, regardless of specialty), and the district has not had theirs at the meetings. All of the meetings have gone well. It is the day to day management of DS's disability that is the problem now.

Full disclosure: I am an attorney and I put a lot of value in having good legal counsel, so I may be a bit biased here, but it has definitely worked for us.
The lawyer is a mom of two disabled kids--I imagine she's had every conceivable situation to navigate, personally and professionally. I have no idea if anyone has ever challenged this program. I don't think too many kids would have managed to do as well as DS in elementary with his diagnoses, and would have already been weeded out.

My father is an attorney but is retired. My mother (also retired, master's level counselor) was actually the ADA compliance person at a local university as part of her student services responsibilities. I guess there is a chance I could get my father to research some of this, but since he is resistant to the dx (and is pi$$ed at the school, anyhow), I'm not sure how useful he would be.