I think one problem they (teachers/schools) have is doing school wide or classroom wide systems with no flexibility for individual differences. Looking at you 3 inch white binder required by middle school until I pitched a fit after the major disaster when son dropped it in the rain (not the first time he had dropped it and everything spilled out).

I think teaching systems for managing organization is fine if you teach a main system but provide options...

Like you will need to keep a calendar/agenda...There are several ways to do it....app on your phone/tablet, agenda that the school provides, or some sort of adapted alternative that you come up with. Keeping the information in an organized way is non negotiable, how you do it is your choice. Not sure try each way for two weeks and then decide...

And just in case anyone is wondering...science is green, math is blue, reading language arts is red, history is purple, black (or could be a picture folder like a kitty or super hero) is a folder for miscellaneous notes to and from school like flyers and forms and newsletters, Orange is foreign language and yellow is elective..I don't know why but those are the right colors and. Don't try to convince me otherwise!