Originally Posted by ultramarina
My DH has poor EF skills and it has hindered him in the workplace. He is by no means a failure, but with his IQ things could have gone better. Just being honest.

(Some of these are people who go to grad school but spend much too long there because they can't get it together to write consistently

DH is ABD (all but dissertation) in his field (he left with a master's) due largely to this.

This is me, too. Though it has worked out better for me in the workplace - external controls for task initiation and task completion, unlike academia....I still remember being so desperate in my first real job (doing real stuff as a lawyer that made a difference to people as opposed to being a research assistant at uni) I phoned my mom from my desk! She listened to me whine about how hopeless I was at the bureaucratic stuff and was sure to be transferred into the outbacks the told me "you know, this is stuff one can learn. And you will." Not she never contradicted my saying I was hopeless.

I manage to be good enough these days, but compensate a lot with sheer brilliance. Ahem.