I'm not sure what to suggest, but your school district sounds like ours. Ours would have never initiated or agreed to any assessments or interventions, though.

If you put a written request in for a comprehensive evaluation, they have to do it, and if they refuse, they are supposed to send you a prior written notice. You can then take action, such as going to due process/a hearing. With a school district like this it may be better to get your own eval if you can afford it and present it to the school, because if the school does not WANT to do an eval and you have to force them, you can almost guarantee that they will find him ineligible and blame all of his problems on you. I had tried to get my own eval of DD but the evaluator I chose turned out to be as idiotic as the school and could not understand 2e or her issues. So it was a waste of time and I couldn't even give the report to the school, because even though the test results showed large discrepancies indicating a LD, the report said she was fine. I FINALLY found someone who seems to get it.