Originally Posted by Dude
Meanwhile, while all these changes are going on, everyone is still citing statistics of SAT/IQ correlation as of 2003.
There are psychologists who are aware of changes in the SAT who still think it measures IQ. Here is an article from 2014:

Yes, IQ Really Matters:
Critics of the SAT and other standardized testing are disregarding the data.
By David Z. Hambrick and Christopher Chabris
April 14, 2014

What this all means is that the SAT measures something—some stable characteristic of high school students other than their parents’ income—that translates into success in college. And what could that characteristic be? General intelligence. The content of the SAT is practically indistinguishable from that of standardized intelligence tests that social scientists use to study individual differences, and that psychologists and psychiatrists use to determine whether a person is intellectually disabled—and even whether a person should be spared execution in states that have the death penalty. Scores on the SAT correlate very highly with scores on IQ tests—so highly that the Harvard education scholar Howard Gardner, known for his theory of multiple intelligences, once called the SAT and other scholastic measures “thinly disguised” intelligence tests.