Major companies have always recruited more heavily at some colleges (fixed) than others. They sent recruiters only to certain schools, and they tend to have more interviewers (multiple recruiters) at the schools where they have found the strongest employees in the past. And student from schools where they don't usually find the strongest candidates get extra scrutiny in the hiring process in my experience just to make sure they are up to the job.

Not sure what this means to "restrict applicants based on the schools they attended". It could mean a lot of things. Requiring a 4 year degree? Requiring a masters degree for some jobs? No hires from state directionals? Only a small list of schools they will hire from? Does whatever "it" is apply to experienced hires, or just fresh out of college hires? Is it company-wide HR policy at Google, or only certain departments?

Last edited by intparent; 06/28/14 12:20 PM.