Originally Posted by bluemagic
Originally Posted by Wren
We have been down this road from an academic perspective. But I had a discussion with someone at Google and he said they were now restricting applicants based on the schools they attended. I was wondering how pervasive this is, or going to be.

Any input?
Really is that new? Is that even legal? I talked with a google recruiter last year and that wasn't the official line, nor one that other were talking about. In addition I have friend who were hired by google in the past year that went to university with me. I have no idea if it's on the list but it's not a "top" rated university. Now this was someone with 20+ years experience and not someone fresh out of university. Perhaps that is what they are talking about.

Why would it be illegal?

If you are a company and you only want people from MIT and Harvard and you get enough resumes that you can fill all the slots without looking at other schools, why would you even bother with the sub-standard schools?

(Yes, I know this is Google, and I should have picked California schools.)