Okay - one optimistic viewpoint coming up. There is no getting around the fact that you are in the middle of a yucky situation. However, there are some big positives. While ideally both the E's should be addressed simultaneously, at this age and stage, the disabilities are far more critical. They have been doing an excellent job with remediating the disabilities. I visited and researched several reputedly top 2E schools many years ago and while they do address both E's, I found that they don't end up addressing both E's as well as a school dedicated to either, if that makes sense.

The school experience has been mostly good for your DD until very recently, so there is hope that she can get back to that same place once the dust settles. The main goal appears to be to get that enrichment piece back in place and the school accountable for providing/reporting it consistently.

It appears that the school is concerned with getting in the middle of a lawsuit between you and the district given the extensive history. That may be why their focus has shifted to CYA. It may be that your DD is feeling (even subcounsicously) their tension in the way they are currently handling her. At a minimum, the school will be careful in how they do everything now, which is not all bad in your attempt to get compliance.

The ibruprofen thing is likely not intended to irk you. The school is very concerned with a lawsuit so it will do everything possible to CYA. I have a ds with an extremely serious and complicated medical history and you wouldn't believe the craziness that has gone on. Let's just say that they have called the ambulance needlessly and I have had to talk the paramedics down and arrive in person to show them the error of their ways. Over time, I have been able to defuse emergencies over the phone rather than show up in person or take DS home. However, I still get phone calls over every flipping thing, including minor things like ibruprofen and banadges. The good thing is that they will now proceed to do their job while awaiting my return call. I did specify that I wasn't going to freaking sue them, at least over administering necessary meds. My point is that a different standard was used with my DS and it almost seem like it was policy because it was someone like my DS.

Sorry, I can't think of anything else positive. Good luck in getting back to a good place.