Originally Posted by Pemberley
I want to know week by week from the beginning of the year exactly which days DD received this 1:1 enrichment, what they did, on what topic, etc. It had been scheduled for a specific day and time each week so if shouldn't be *too* onerous to go back and reconstruct all of this - right? I mean I'm sure that all of this information must be in the teachers records.
Yes, that is the beauty and simplicity of scheduling the delivery of services. For their convenience, going forward, you may wish to accept a weekly record of services? If received on a weekly basis, that may save them time as well as allowing you to review/verify with DD (if you choose to) while the events are still fresh on her mind. It also makes it difficult for them to go back and manufacture details or falsify records. It provides accountability while keeping everyone current and on the same page. More facts means there is simply less room for interpretation.

So what do you think? More I can/should add? Any other ideas?
It is possible that everything is being run past the school district's legal team. As mentioned by others, you may wish to involve your team in engaging the school on your behalf. You may wish to take a step back.