My entire family is like somewhereonearth's DH.
DD and I can find common ground with anyone. We're naturally good "listeners" I think.
DH has a terrible time faking interest, and narrow range of tolerance for conversation with most people. People annoy him, to be blunt.
He is HG and DD and I are both higher LOG than that.
I mention that to note that while ye-e-e-e-eesss, it's true that you're kind of in your own world, and it's also true that the higher your LOG the worse the problem becomes, it's really only an issue in two ways-- if you have a less flexible social style, and if you are seeking a soulmate.
It's bad, bad, BAD news to (IMO) have as a spouse or best friend someone who cannot go most of where your brain goes visiting and exploring. They'll label you a freak, and you'll wind up resenting the fact that they resent YOU. That part of things can be lonely.
Mostly, though, people are still people, and shallower interactions can work fine if you turn genuine interest toward others and let go of how intellectually stimulating/beneath you such conversations are. Just enjoy people for WHO they are, not what they are, and much of the time all will be well. Know, though, that much of the heavy lifting in any communication is going to be required of a PG/HG+ person by definition. Because YOU are the one that can meet the other person where they are.