Originally Posted by Nautigal
I should probably add that I still feel a little bit idiotic for not realizing earlier why I didn't relate to people all the time, but I think it's party because I'm a little bit of a social chameleon. I can relate to most people on their level, but then feel lonely because they can't relate to me. I felt like I always had to curb myself in company.

This is my DD, to a tee. She is a friend to many people. But gradually over the past few years, she has chosen to uninvest in many of those relationships because SHE isn't getting anything at all out of them. It's just time that makes her feel more lonely. She likes BEING liked, all right.

But it's not the same as having a two-way friendship. frown
Oh. My. God.

I'm going to have to process this for a while. I believe this may explain a great deal about why I don't have friends.

I agree with all the above! I can easily be friends with many different people on a surface level, but I don't really have any true friends to speak of. I've befriended several different co-workers over the years and as they have come and gone so has our friendship even though we are still all living in the same area.

DD8 just asked me the other day if I have any friends and why I don't hang out with my friends. I wasn't sure how to explain this to her. I just told her that my family was more important to me than hanging out with anyone else and I'd rather spend time with her and DD9. It is pretty sad and lonely when you think about it. DH will tell me I can sometimes come off as snobby, but I honestly don't see it like that. I'm always friendly and quite witty (I think). I'm just picky and set high standards and I don't put myself out there for just anyone. I don't see that as snobby, but being cautious and reserved.

Like Nautigal said - I need to really think about this now. Good grief, I probably have some deep-seeded problem that I'm just now coming to realize by going through all these things with my daughters. Maybe we can all do therapy together.