Yes, we definitely have lower than normal pain threshold for one of our children, and really don't know how else to explain it..?Something he will grow out of maybe.
DH is extremely noise sensitive; might have a bit of a control thing thrown in there as well, lol.
Yes being misunderstood is part of giftedness, doubled: in both what you are saying (content of your message) and how you are experiencing things (what it is like to be gifted). Folks think it is 'ok' and not **painful** to be forced to sit through boring class after boring class (as an example).
To some degree all folks are going to run into boring classes, and those folks were ok. No idea it can actually make someone feel physically ill (headaches, stomach aches) , feel like they are a bad person ( something is wrong with me, I don't understand why everyone else can't see the answers or understand my perspective on it, see the facts, etc. , well maybe I am wrong after all, maybe in fact there is something permanently, majorly wrong with me). And so on.